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Re: popclient .poprc file

>>>>> "mono" == mono  <troop> writes:

 mono> Hello, I just edited my .poprc file so it looks like this:

 mono> defaults proto pop3 localfolder /var/spool/mail/troop server
 mono> mail.chiparus.org user blah pass secret server
 mono> mail.chiparus.org user blah pass secret server pop.pi.net user
 mono> blah pass secret

 mono> Problem is, as soon as i start popclient it exits with a
 mono> segmentation fault. As soon as i comment 2 out of the 3
 mono> 'server' lines in the .poprc (so only 1 is active) it works
 mono> okay.

 mono> question: am i missing something in configuration? as far as i
 mono> know the above file should work fine.

First off stop using popclient and get fetchmail.  The rc files are
basically the same (took me about 15 minutes to convert), and it is
much more stable, and does much more.

Second if you decide to ignore the above. :)  Make sure that the last
line in the file is a blank line.  I.e. make sure there is a return
after the last command line.


@James LewisMoss <dres@dimensional.com> |  Blessed Be!
@    http://www.dimensional.com/~dres   |  Linux is cool!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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