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Re: how to safely install libc6

Craig - 

Thanks, for the second time this week, I think. :-) I'm not sure which
change was decisive on my system, but after following some of your
suggestions I could compile a kernel again.

>>>>> "Craig" == Craig Sanders <cas@taz.net.au> writes:

    Craig> On 15 May 1997, Ed Donovan wrote:

    >> Here's a slightly old thread I'm continuing; I'm very curious how
    >> people are dealing with this. I usually follow 'unstable,' in
    >> part because it largely is quite stable. I hold off on things
    >> that look like more trouble, like libc6. Much advice recommends
    >> not using it yet on important systems. I tried to avoid it, but
    >> fell for ldso 1.9.2, not realizing it (apparently) commits me to
    >> the libc6 development environment.

    Craig> I don't think that's the case. ldso doesn't depend on either
    Craig> libc5-dev or libc6-dev. According to the notes in
    Craig> /usr/doc/ld.so the only major incompatibility is with a.out
    Craig> (libc4) programs. My reading of the notes indicates that it
    Craig> cant even run a.out binaries any more, but i might have
    Craig> misread that.

I'm now running ok with ldso_1.9.2-2.  I'd thought it wasn't compatible
in practice before because of the non-linking binaries I was producing.
I'm not going to try an earlier 1.9 package again to investigate if that
was the difference. :)

    Craig> it's safe to have the shared libraries for libc6 and libc5
    Craig> installed at the same time, just as it was safe to have both
    Craig> libc4 and libc5 installed. It only gets complicated when you
    Craig> want to do development for both libc5 and libc6 on the same
    Craig> machine.

    Craig> suggestion:

    Craig> install libc6, libc5, libc5-dev (and other libc5 development
    Craig> stuff(*)), and ldso-1.9.2.

    Craig> don't install libc6-dev (or related stuff) or the
    Craig> altdev-libc5 stuff.  You'll have to either install stuff
    Craig> manually with dpkg or put quite a few packages on HOLD status
    Craig> with dselect.

    Craig> Doing this will give you a system capabale of developing for
    Craig> libc5, and also capable of running libc6 programs.

This makes sense, and I hadn't gotten it before.  Made these changes at
the same time as the ldso minor version upgrade, so, science bemoans the
fact that conditions were not controlled.  But I'm very happy I could
build that new kernel with IP multicast (so I could get on with failing
to make gated work. :-)

    Craig> (*) 'stuff (noun): highly technical term meaning "thingies"'
    Craig> :-)

Had to leave this so the casual reader could follow. ;-)

Gratefully yours,


Ed Donovan					ed@capecod.net

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