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Re: ideas: tutorial and mail filter

On Fri, 4 Jul 1997, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> I was thinking about two ideas that may help Debian and general linux
> systems:
>   1) How about a simple tutorial that comes up after installing debian.
> Something that would offer 3 steps: 1. a general linux tutor for those
> people who are completely new, 2. a sys admin tutor for those who haven't
> had to admin before, and 3. a debian tutor explaining dselect, dpkg, the
> filesystem layout, features, etc.
>   I would be nice if this could be e-mailed, printed (for pamplets to go
> with cd's along the the install notes), easily exported to the web, and
> automatically come up when a new user logs in (maybe something like: for
> help using linux or debian, type "tutor" (or maybe "learn", "help" was
> already taken) implemented by cating an /etc/README.newuser from the
> .profile, .bash_profile, or .bashrc).
>   If I'm reinventing the wheel, if someone want's to do this, if someone
> wants to help me, or if you would find this helpful or needed on a debian
> system, let me know.

If the debian-system comes witht the kde desktop (when it's released), the
help-system in kde which supports HTML, info and man-pages could show the
tutorials and contain links to other sites. It would be somewhat like the
default CDE login desktop. 


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