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Re: Cyrix kernel patch

On Sun, 12 Oct 1997, Shaleh wrote:

> enables the cpu halt command, which lowers power usage on the cpu to 10%
> when the cpu is idle (most are idle about 70-90% of the time ).  I can
> touch both my motherboard sink and cpu heatsink.  Very noticeable
> difference.  I tried to add the cyrix patch but it did not agree with my
> kernel.  I am running 2.0.29.  I do not know enough kernel internals to
> add a patch by hand.

How exactly do you enable this?  This is the only part of the patch that
really interests me.


Good Idea: 	Feeding Stray Cats in the Park.
Bad Idea:	Feeding Stray Cats in the park ... to a bear.

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