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Re: xconsole question (tkman)

> > is this a bug or have i done something wrong?
> Have you compiled your own tk8.0 binaries? If not, you could have the
> wrong version of the tk8.0 package. Did you use any --force flags on dpkg
> when installing tkman? You need at least version 8.0p2-2 of the tk8.0
> package for tkman to work.

nope, i haven't compiled tk, i'm using the debian package, and i didn't
force anything.  standard happy install.

ii  tk40            4.0p3-5        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.0 -
ii  tk41            4.1p1-2        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.1 -
ii  tk42            4.2p2-4        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v4.2 -
ii  tk8.0           8.0p2-4        The Tk toolkit for TCL and X11 v8.0 -
ii  tkstep8.0       8.0-1          The NEXTSTEP(tm)-like version of the Tk
ii  tkman           2.0.6-2        A graphical, hypertext, manual page


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