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Re: Java on Linux

Steve Byrne <sbb@freegate.com> writes:

> *-Vincent Murphy <murphyv@wisdom.ucc.ie>
> |
> | At the start of my next term in CompSci, Java is being introduced as the
> | main language in most of my courses.
> Unless the description of the .deb package says that the version is 1.1.5v7
> (last
> I saw it said "v5"), you don't want it.  v7 contains significant fixes to make
> things run much more robustly.  I would definitely use the blackdown.org site;
> all you have to do is download and untar one file, and put the bin
> directory into
> your PATH -- you should be able to handle at least that much being a CS
> major :-)
> Steve

There are (slightly broken) 1.1.6v2 packages in slink.


+--------------------  finger for pgp public key  ---------------------+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer    |
| dmartin@clifton-labs.com    |    http://www.clifton-labs.com         |

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