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Solved - Re: how to get rid of ucbmpeg-play pkg??

On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 11:30:44AM -0700, kaynjay@igalaxy.net wrote:
> I am totally frustrated. Trying to do a dist-upgrade, first through dselect
> and now out at the cmd. line.  Have DL'd all packages, but things screech to
> a halt when ucbmpeg-play (which I unsuccessfully tried to remove before)
> throws a wrench into the process.
> I've tried to use 
> dpkg -p(r) --force-remove-reinstreq ucbmpeg-play 

Never mind, folks.  I went back into the messages, yanked out the postrm
file, and commented out the simple mime-update line.

The original installation came from archives I had on another disk.  I
expect the problem arose from the method I used for that (dpkg, since I
didn't have a net connection at that point for apt, with no lists, etc).

Oh well...  so far the install is moving along nicely (so nice to have a
fast cpu / lotsa RAM!!  :)


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