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Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

I take an extremely simplistic view. I'd use Windows more if it didn't
crash 20 times a day. That's why I use Linux. Simple.

 Corey Popelier
 Work Email: copo@commerce.wa.gov.au

On 4 May 2000, Brian May wrote:

> >>>>> "Pat" == Pat Mahoney <pat7@gmx.net> writes:
>     Pat> For me, Linux makes me think. For others, windows may make
>     Pat> them think. For still others, something else (not computer
>     Pat> related) may make them think. If linux makes you think,
>     Pat> good. If windows makes you think, good. If something else
>     Pat> makes you think, good. If nothing makes you think, then I you
>     Pat> truly have my sympathy.
> For me, the problem with Windows is you have to think when thinking
> should not be required. Take for instance, autoexec.bat.
> I know a Windows computer, that whenever it starts, it flashes up
> with the message "Bad command or filename" for a few seconds until
> it goes away. However, it doesn't give the important information:
> what command cannot be found? what line is it on?
> So, instead of going directly to the bad line (like you would for any
> Unix based interpreter), you have to do a lot of fiddling just to find
> out which line is bad.
> I have had similar problems for "out of environment space" errors (I
> never remember or can find how to change it, although it seems to be
> fixed now) and programs that automatically add lines like: PATH
> %PATH;c:\newprogram which fails when %PATH% contains a directory with
> spaces (trial and error suggests that correct quoting helps).
> Perhaps Windows 2000 won't require autoexec.bat, I will believe it
> when I see it. However, I encounter similar problems throughout
> Windows (especially device drivers).
> So, the way I see it, with Windows you always need to be thinking
> "There is a bug in this program. It won't say why it is crashing. What
> is the best work around?".
> With Unix, you get more descriptive feedback of what the program is
> doing (eg look at the output of dpkg), and I have never had problems
> with a device driver suddenly going broken, requiring a complete
> re-installation of the OS. You don't have to try and second guess what
> the computer might be trying to do.
> -- 
> Brian May <bam@debian.org>
> -- 
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