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Re: brak polskich znakow

Ok. MY polish is whacky but... :)

--- 8< ---

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 10:03:52PM +0200, Qba wrote:
> Postawielm serwer www na Debianie Potato 2.2 i mam problem z polskimi

I put my www server on Debian Potato 2.2 and I have a problem with polish

> znakami. (mozna zerknac na www.cku.edu.pl). Wczesniej te same zrodla htmlowe

characters (you can view it on www.cku.edu.pl). Before, the same html

> lezaly na Red Hacie 7.0 i wszystko bylo ok. Nie jest to tez z pewnoscia

was on Red Hat 7.0 and everything was ok. I am sure this is not a 

> problem cache, z proxy nie korzystam. Nie jest to rownniez sprawa

problem with the cache, as I am not using a proxy. This is also not a problem

> przegladarki.

my borwser.

> (moja przegladarka to IE 4.72)

(The browser I am using is IE 4.72)

> Bardzo prosze o pomoc

Please help me.

> pozdrawiam

Yours Sincerely.

> Qba

--- 8< ---

(yes, I am bored. why do you ask? :)

CaT (cat@zip.com.au)		*** Jenna has joined the channel.
				<cat> speaking of mental giants..
				<Jenna> me, a giant, bullshit
				<Jenna> And i'm not mental
					- An IRC session, 20/12/2000

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