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Re: Howto setup eth0

Mark Devin wrote:
> "Jeff Levy - jeff@meta-craft.com" wrote:
> > i assume your dsl provider is using dhcp, i could be wrong.
> >
> > if it is, grab a package called "pump", unless it's already installed. if
> > you don't know, su to root (type 'su', enter password), type "pump", press
> > enter. if you don't get an error, run "ifconfig" ... you should see eth0
> >
> > if you don't have eth0 at this point, or have  a static ip, try
> >
> > ifconfig eth0 up [your ip addres] (minus the brackets, of course)
> Oh, thanks for that.  I did that and it worked.  I already had pump installed.
> ifconfig eth0 up ***.***.***.***  worked and brought up the interface.
> But I am confused as to why I don't have the file /etc/init.d/network  which is
> mentioned in the documentation I have been reading?  It is obviously a script
> which brings up the interface at bootup.
> What package should I install which creates this script?  I remember answering
> questions about networking when I installed but I think I skipped them or
> something and now don't know how to re-do them.
> Thanks
> Mark.

/etc/init.d/network was the old script used in slink.You've been reading
old docs.Not applicable anymore.
Now in potato you ahve the daemon /etc/init.d/networking which
starts/stops/restarts ALL interfaces listed in /etc/network/interfaces
(man interfaces for a description of the file) ,and for individual
you use ifup/ifdown interface -also based on /etc/network/interfaces .

This is the original file that was included while potato was still
examples in the file.It has been since dumped in the favour of
not_so_easily_to_be_found " man interfaces ".
# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
# A "#" character in the very first column makes the rest of the line
# be ignored. Blank lines are ignored. Lines may be indented freely.
# A "\" character at the very end of the line indicates the next line
# should be treated as a continuation of the current one.
# The "noauto", "up", and "down" options are valid for all interfaces.
# "up" and "down" may be specified multiple times, all other options
# may only be specified once.
# See the ifup/ifdown manpage for information on what options are 
# available.

# We always want the loopback interface. (This is commented out in case
# you're configuring it by hand elsewhere, like in /etc/init.d/network.
# you're not, you need this line)

 iface lo inet loopback

# An example ethernet card setup: (broadcast and gateway are optional)
 iface eth1 inet static
# gateway

# An ethernet DHCP client:
 iface eth0 inet dhcp


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