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Re: How can I get the Euro symbol?

On Thu, Jan 03, 2002 at 09:06:08PM +0100, Roberto Diaz wrote:
| > > It is 'language-env'.  According to 'apt-cache policy' I don't think
| > > it is in potato.  (potato is _really_ _really_ old)
| > Many thanks, dman. What you have written makes sense to me - I shall read
| > it over the next day or so and attempt to put it into practice. Shame
| > about GTK, since this is what most of the apps I run use :-(
| So for sort... should we (euro-zone potaotes) upgrade to testing so we can
| have our loved euro-symbol working smoothly?

In GTK+ apps?  Not yet.  Supposedly GTK+ 1.3 (the current devel
version) supports multibyte fonts.  I certainly hope they release a
new stable release soon!  Perhaps, though, X4 will be better than X3?



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rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke
is easy and my burden is light.
        Matthew 11:28-30

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