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Re: How to delete Exims' queue

Thus spake Dave Sherohman:
> On Sat, Dec 29, 2001 at 04:00:05PM -0500, Stephen Gran wrote:
> > exim -Mrm <message-ID> will remove from the queue.
> > all from man exim.
> ...but the thing I've never been able to find is something that lets
> you do the equivalent of
> exim -Mrm *
> or even
> exim -Mrm msgid1 msgid2 msgid3...
> instead of having to do a separate command for each message to be
> dropped.  Have I just missed it in that huge manpage or does it
> actually not exist?
I haven't tried it, but I would think that 
ls /var/spool/exim/msglog > exim.log
exim -Mrm < exim.log
would do the trick.  The man page says that this option can take a
number of message ID's, and that's where the messages are kept.
It's computer hardware, of course it's worth having <g>
	-- Espy on #Debian

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