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Re: OpenOffice.org & Woody

On Mon May 06, 2002 at 12:15:29PM -0500, John Foster wrote:
> "Jamin W. Collins" wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 2 May 2002 23:53:58 -0700
> > "Jaye Inabnit ke6sls" <ke6sls@cox.net> wrote:
> > 
> > > Has anyone been able to get openoffice.org (via the debs) installed and
> > > running on a Woody Intel box?
> > 
> > Installed it yesterday on my Woody box.  Just needed to installed java and
> > all was happy (see earlier thread regarding this topic for information on
> > the java installation).
> --------------------REPLY------------------------
> Does the .deb installation improve on the loading/operating speed? The
> last 638c tarball is very slooooow.... Also can you do a .net install
> with the .debs?
What, are you on drugs or something? Come on man, are you pullin' my leg
or what? It's a pig. A bloated, stuck pig. I see no problem with the
operating speed, but the loading speed sucks. I find it astounding,
amazing, and utterly flabbergasting that:
-They removed the email client (which I never used anyway)
-They removed the calendar (the main reason I use StarOffice)
-They removed the file manager
-They removed the "integrated desktop" (which I, obviously an oddball,
happen to like. I might be the only person in the world who does. But I
leave StarOffice running, it's on its own desktop, there are certain
things I do with it, I don't have to wait for it to launch since I just
leave it running...)

after all this, the damn thing takes forever to launch. You might as
well run down to Starbucks and back while you're waiting for that one. I
have been using StarOffice 5.2 for several years, and am quite happy
with it. I suppose I will eventually move to some combination of
Evolution, Gnumeric, Abiword, etc. I have been quite impressed lately
with Abiword's ability to open M$ Word files. But it's still not as good
as StarOffice, which itself is not perfect. One can only dream of a day,
in some perfect future world, where this will no longer be an issue.


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