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Howto customize GRUB during Debian installation


I am trying to install Debian next to XP. After the first installation, system froze at loading grub
with a "Error loading grub" message.
I used DOS "fdisk /mbr" to at least get back to XP and I realized that Debian had completely changed the structure of partition table of the Hard disk, I had 3 primary partitions and specifically asked Debian to add a logical one using the unallocated space of 3rd primary partition but Debian had added the fourth primary partition.

Now my questions are:
1-How to avoid freezing again ?
2-How to customize Grub during installation so Windows can be added to the list of available OSs ?

I should add that I am installing the sarge not the woody, because woody couldn't recognize my Serial ATA hard disk.

Any input is appreciated.

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