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Re: Boot partion too small

Hi Glenn:

qtparted will do this.  I find the easiest way to run it, including usable
support for resizing NTFS partitions, is from the system rescue cd at
sysresccd.org.  Just enter "run_qtparted" from the Linux Live CD.

Good luck!  Usual disclaimers apply...if it erases your data, it isn't
my fault!  etc.  :-)


> Hi All
> I've got a couple of systems that I made the boot partion <8mb on. The
> time has long come that these are full and I can't upgrade the kernel
> image on them. I've alread cleaned out the old reduntant images etc
> The partions are at the front of the drive, one box has a swap file as
> the next partition, but another has / as the adjacent partion.
> Is there anyway I can grow these partions  and shufle/shrink the others
> with out loosing information?
> Thanks all
> Glenn
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