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Re: raid 1 setup.

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004, Roger wrote:

> I'm trying to get raid 1 going on my Sarge unstable box.
> When I installed raidltools2 and mdadm doing a /proc/mdstat gave the 
> following
> root@post2:/etc/network# cat /proc/mdstat
> Personalities : [raid1]
>       25728000 blocks [2/1] [_U]

whacky :-) but than again .. guess that's okay for an empty /etc/raidtab

> The thing is I have yet to create any md devices and my
> /etc/raidtab   <-which raidtools doesn't use - but I checked anyway
> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf 
> files are empty..

put real data into /etc/raidtab

- move /etc/raidtab aside to /etc/raid.tab.temp  to tell the box
  don't try raid on bootup

- other places that try to do raid during bootup ...( all over the place )
	grep raid /etc/*

- remove raidtools and mdadm if you dont want to bother configuring sw

c ya

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