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Re: knoppix vs standard debian?

On Thu, 02 Sep 2004 00:38:04 GMT, Scotty Fitzgerald
<sfitz007@bestweb.net> wrote:
> Is there a webpage or faq, or can somebody clue me in to, whether I
> should get a "regular" debian?!  Would there be an advantage to, say,
> picking up a copy of "Debian Bible" and installing that instead over
> knoppix debian?

I was in the same situation, most of my newbie days were spent with
Knoppix. Once I got to the point where I was comfortable using the
system, I went ahead and installed using the latest sarge net-inst
image with the new installer. Some of the advantages I  feel from
doing a "pure install":

1. Way more control on how your system is configured. Debian itself
"hid" some of the configuration with debconf (so I wasn't neccesarily
editing text files), but at the same time exposed me to what
configuring your system really means.

2. More control over what is installed. I found that a knoppix install
was much bigger in terms of size as well as number of packages
installed. I started from a base system, and only install a package as
I need it, or as it is required for dependencies.

3. Forced me to learn. I say this because knoppix will do a lot of
things for you that a pure install with Debian won't neccesarily do.
This has caused me to look things up and learn. This translated into
valuable knowledge for future work.

4. compiled my own kernel!!!


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