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Re: hotplug PS2 keyboard

On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:10:35AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> <#secure method=pgp mode=sign>
> Li Daobing <lidaobing@gmail.com> writes:
> > I want to know how to make the PS2 keyboard hotplug.
> >
> > When the system boot without the keyboard, then when I want to use
> > keyboard, the keyboard is out of work. When I want to use keyboard, I
> > have to reboot the server with keyboard, I want to know how to avoid
> > this.
> You can't.  PS/2 devices are detected at boot by the system and no
> other time.  If you want a PS/2 keyboard or mouse, you need to have it
> attached at power-on.

Sorry, but I have to disagree. I've booted PS/2 systems without keyboards
and plugged them in later, without any problem. 2.6 kernels even tell
you you've just plugged a keyboard in. Maybe you're using a modular
kernel and the relevant module isn't being loaded at boot if you
haven't got a keyboard plugged in. Compare the output of 'lsmod'
booting with and without a keyboard. If you get an extra module listed
when you boot with a keyboard, add that module name to /etc/modules.


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