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Re: HELP! My printer won't stop!!

On (03/01/05 23:09), Vegard Lundby Rekaa wrote:
> I used the lpr command to print an image, which gave me great problems.
> The printer writes text on every 4th page saying:
> %!PS-Adobe-3.0
>           %%Creator: The X Print Server's PostScript DDX (xprint.mozdev.org)
> I tried deleting the printer with 'localhost:631' and 'apt-get --purge
> remove cupsys', yet every time I start my PC the printer start again.
> Help! What can I do?
> Best regards, with hopeful wishes from Vegard!
You could try:
$ ps aux | grep lpr
which will list the process ID
the kill the process, as root or sudo, with:
# kill -9 ProcessID (the number)



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