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No more disk space.No way! Help.


It is a long story so I make it short.

Please let me know how I can let the working 
Debian linux to use more partition space
exist in the hard disk.

******* the followin is my spam part so please ignore**
******* only for those who might make fun out of me.
******* real dummy my dear.******************

I swear there was three partitions.
But now it shows only TWO. One is missing.
when I type 'df'
it shows only two instead of three.

I saw the Debian installer to make three with whatever
he/she wanted to make after I pressed guide..(I forgot).
at partitioning timing.

I screwed up by misunderstanding tasksel selection
when I wanted to reinstall mozilla.
I put * only at web browser then whole other stuff
were automatically deleted.( I was weeping!)

Then I did not want to re-install the whole thing,again
Because I made RTLinux kernel working there.

So I taskseled again to gain whole desktop stuff and
all that.
Then there was an errro and error and so on.
it screemed at me " NO MORE SPACE "

Then I looked up in my Debian-Linux dictionary.
which said 'fd to check free disk space'.
So I said so.
with -h because I could not recognize what it says.

Then I found only 4.8GB left for me.
which supposed to be at least 10GB.
(I guess more than that.... but any way somewhere around

It's missing!!!!!

Now I do not want to re-install.
Because RTLinux install is also the pain-in-the neck.

Please do me your favour to let this pity guy to know
how to let my Debian to know the free disk space 
available which was made sometime ago by him/her self.


Thank you so much by paying me attention.
I hope some solution beside re-install.
(No!!!! more reinstall)


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