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Re: Linux and e-commerce

On Thu, 2005-02-03 at 02:38, ken keanon wrote:
> Hi,
> To start with I think I need a web server. Not a
> problem here. Apache would be the choice. Next, I need
> a database, website designer, order processing, a
> credit card payment and accounting packages. I am not
> sure what are the Debian packages available to support
>  these functions.

For the database you would probably want to go with MySQL. However
another choice is always PostgreSQL. Either one would be suitable for
this, since both of these are well supported in PERL and PHP which I
would assume you would end up writing the web application in.

I'm not too sure about the rest of the options, I don't use a web
designer for my websites, I basically code them all by hand using vim.

 o)      Derek Wueppelmann                 (o
(D .       monkey@monkeynet.ca              D).
((`           http://www.monkeynet.ca/     ( ) `

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