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Re: Debian Rescue Floppy

Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:

Mr. Jan Hearthstone wrote:
I got a real "rescue floppy" that recognized my "hda1".

I booted with "linux root=/dev/hda1 2" , but almost immediately there started a message (re-occuring all
the time) that dependencies file /lib/modules/2.2.20/modules.dep cannot be found.
I'm not sure what the "2" does on the end of your parameters accomplishes. But basically, it sounds like your rescue floppy has a different kernel on it than does your system. Still, you might have enough system to get fixed here. Do you get to a login prompt? Can you log in? Can you run "cfdisk" to find out what partitions you have on your drive? Can you run an editor (nano, vi) to edit /etc/lilo.conf? Can you simply run "lilo"?

If not, take the floppy out, and reboot. Just after the POST, press the left Shift key. Do you get a lilo menu? Is your old kernel listed there? If so, what happens if you choose that option?


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