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Re: Linux and e-commerce

Jacob S wrote:
On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 15:01:01 -0600
Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net> wrote:

Cousin Stanley wrote:

 You might check ....


   "osCommerce is the leading Open Source online shop e-commerce
   solution that is powered by a dedicated, strong, and ever
   growing community, and is Freely available under the GNU General
   Public License."

 Saw this link for the first time only yesterday
 so I have no personal experience with the software ....

Several years ago I set up two instances of osCommerce for some
friends of mine.  One was for an online hunting supplies store, and
the other for a store selling...stuff like keychain flashlights, etc.

I didn't love the interface, or the default templates, or the coding style when I had to modify it, but the system did work. Processing orders and shipping did work. They've since closed the stores due to being too busy with other jobs.

I honestly don't know how it measures up as far as security goes, but it's been several years, so there should be some data for you to look
at and make a decision on.

We're using osC on several servers at work with good success. Using both
credit cards and paypal, in different instances.
It seems to have pretty good support and is very full-featured. It is a
little difficult to edit the template though, as the previous poster


I was recently paid to write a backend for an australian bank, (commonwealth) for oscommerce. It was my first experiance with it. Knowing PHP is only half of the story, Oscommerce has its own big sprawling internal structure, and until you learn that, its an uphill battle. I got it working, but it was pretty rough. Oscommerce is all OOP PHP, and its so abstracted that its hard to find out where you are half the time.. And I wasn't able to find much in the way of developer docs.

Having said all of that, it is the most complete free shopping cart I've seen.. by far. And if it does what you want out of the box, then you are set.



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