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Mounting USB Harddisk

I just got myself a 40 GB USB harddisk. But I am unable to mount it on debian.

Command "mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda" gives following output: "mount: /dev/sda1 is not a valid block device"

When I do "/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sda", there is no output, I just get a command prompt. I also tried /sdb, /sdc etc. None work.

In /dev, /sda etc. do exist.

I did "tail -s 2 -f /var/log/messages" to make it read message log, and then I connected the USB disk. This is what it said:

Apr 1 10:02:40 vikas kernel: hub.c: new USB device 00:1d.7-1, assigned address 4

Apr 1 10:02:43 vikas usb.agent[5088]: usb-storage: loaded successfully

Can anybody help me mount the disk?


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