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Re: Alsa not working after reboot

cothrige wrote:
> Having been a fairly long-time Slackware user, since 8.1, and being
> somewhat unhappy with some compatibility problems with Gnome apps and
> that distro, I decided to see if Debian would work for me.  I don't
> have high-speed internet access and so used a work computer which I
> have access to periodically to download and burn the first two discs
> of Testing.  This seemed a solid place to start and I was confident
> that two discs would get a working system up.
> I was not surprised to find that basically I was right, though
> surprised at some of what was left off of these two discs, eg. alsa, X
> headers and libraries, emacs, etc.  But, overall, things went well and
> after tinkering about with the installation I soon got a working
> system with the basics in place.
> After downloading and installing the alsa-1.0.8 packages I ran
> alsaconf and had the sound up and running.  However, I discovered
> later that if I rebooted the sound never reloaded and I had to run
> alsaconf again.  This had happened to me some time back with Slack 9.1
> and I managed after some work to get it going, but I cannot really
> recall how.  I fear that with Debian I am unsure of where to start.
> The modules.conf file is a bit of a shocker for me as it is nothing
> like that of Slackware, and has a great deal more going on.  I cannot
> really tell if it has what I need in it at all.  The
> /etc/modprobe.d/sound file, which I am not familiar with at all, is
> there and has a reference to my card, es1688.  Other than that I
> haven't a clue what it does and cannot be sure what it should have in
> it.
> I have noticed that at the end of the boot process a brief reference
> to alsa is seen, and something along the lines of "no modules loaded."
> And in fact nothing is.  An lsmod shows nothing related to snd at all,
> and there is no mixer to adjust.  So my situation is not a muted card
> or pcm but in fact a total absence of sound.  Only running alsaconf
> again with each boot will make sound usable.  I have tried a number of
> google searches only to find numerous muted cards and loaded modules
> without sound, but can't seem to locate any with no modules being
> loaded at all.  Is there a step or action after alsaconf which will
> make this permament and reload the modules with each boot?  Am I
> forgetting or overlooking something stupidly obvious?

alsaconf will load the modules that you need but it won't add them to your
/etc/modules file to have them load after a reboot.  Do "lsmod" before and
after alsaconf and put the modules that were added by alsaconf in /etc/modules.

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