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Re: menu problem

Further to my update-menu problems

I want to make sure if it is a bug I submit it to the right area

original problem

I use update-menus to create my own debian menus. this has been working
fine for about 2 years

now it doesnt update at all

However I can see the changes in ~/.local/share/applications/menu-xdg
but they never appear in kde

I am not sure if the problem lies with
menu-xdg or

I am fairly sure that menu (update-menus) is working fine
using the -v switch I see extra items being added

I have deleted .kde .kderc and ~/.local/share/applications/menu-xdg but
no matter what I do I cant get the new entries to appear.

Can anyone suggest which package I should submit a bug against or if
there is any further testing I can do

Mal Beaton wrote:
> Jon Dowland wrote:
>>Mal Beaton wrote:
>>>I am using the menu package to create customised menus
>>>However of late It doesnt update menus but says it does
>>You are using KDE. Are the menus properly updated in another window
>>manager (I see you have twm installed there for example). GNOME and KDE
>>treat the debian menu as a second-class citizen and as such there are
>>quite a lot of problems.
> You are right flwm works fine. I even deleted my .kde and .kderc to
> start fresh and still no luck.
> I may submit a bug to kde

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