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Re: PLease help

Hi Alvin,

Alvin James wrote:
As a result of the KDE problems I have re-installed my system, only
thing is I need to have quanta plus working as I use it for work. can
you tell me what I could do is there a sources.list I can use to revert
back to the last working version of KDE that I can use. As I had it
working did an apt-get dist-upgrade which removed kde and most of it's
applications now I have re-installed from scratch but cannot seem to get
the right libraries for kde to work [...]

From your description of the problem and the output of apt-get I assume
that you tried to (re-)install a snapshot of the 'unstable' distribution
(Sid). Is this correct?

Sid is at the moment in a transition state from KDE 3.3 to KDE 3.4. For
internal reasons these two versions (as compiled for Sid) cannot
coexist. From my own machine it seems that about 2/3 of the necessary
packages and libraries have made the transition so far. (Quanta, for
example, has not.) Therefore it seems to me that it is impossible to get
a fully functional KDE (either version) from a current Sid snapshot.

You can either:

1) Chase down all the missing old KDE 3.3 packages from Sid in your
/var/cache/apt/archives/ directory and from http://snapshot.debian.net/.
This will eventually work, but puts you through 'dependency hell'.

2) Try to get the complete KDE 3.4.1 packages from 'experimental'. This
might be messy when not starting from an intact KDE 3.3, or it might not
work at all at the moment.

3) Downgrade your machine to pure 'testing', which should still have a fully consistent and working KDE 3.3. Only go back to Sid when it has been announced on debian-kde that it is safe to do so.

Since you need Quanta for work I think option 3) is the safest and
fastest one. If it is acceptable for you, see 'man apt_preferences' and
then ask any further questions that you might have about the procedure.


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