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Re: a dumb query? pls humor me

Paul Johnson wrote:
> Steve Lamb wrote:
>> Paul Johnson wrote:
>>> Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 11:02:26AM +0100, Mitja Podreka wrote:
>>>>> The terms socialism and communism were vandalised by the authoritarian
>>>>> governments and individuals, in order to legitimate their authorities.
>>>> The terms socialism and communism where not vandalized, they are and
>>>> always have been synonmymous with authoritarianism.
>>> {{cite}}
>>     Uh, history?
> {{cite}}

    You were given a cite.  History, decades of it.  I don't have to go into
detail because you know exactly what to look for.  You're well practiced at
ignoring it.

>>>> There is a lot of truth to that.  Take a look at Hillary Clinton's
>>>> rhetoric about wanting to "take" oil company profits and tax revenues
>>>> lost by tax cuts and wanting to redistribute them more fairly.  That is
>>>> Democracy in action.  The mob being whipped up to support taking other
>>>> people's private property for themselves.
>>> So the Standard Oil Trust was a good thing, and we should welcome it's
>>> return?
>> Is it really a return?  Tell me Paul, since in your previous message
>> you touted "testing into the proper grade level" one would presume you're
>> educated.  Tell me what's the difference between profit and profit margin?
>> Furthermore, can you guess why I'm asking?

> Yes, I can tell the difference.  I think your assumption is based on the
> idea OPEC isn't profitting massively.

    No, Paul, telling me you know the difference and explaining are two
different things.  One you're avoiding the question, the other you're proving
you have more than two brain cells up there.  Now, you get points for actually
pointing out the problem is OPEC but that, too, is a diversion.  Roberto
specifically cited how Hillary Clinton wants to take American company's
profits and redistribute them.  Something about not exactly taxing OPEC

    So, again, Paul, what is the difference between profit and profit margin
and why am I asking?

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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