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Re: fglrx upgrade to 8.42.3

Jonathan Kaye ha scritto:
Following your message I checked out nexuiz and it runs fine with my card
and driver. I'm surprised that running the ATI-Installer gave you error
messages. I see 2 differences between our systems:
1. You are using a 64bit kernel and I'm using a 32bit one (although I have
an AMD64 Athlalon Chip.
2. I'm running lenny and you're running sid.
I think the 32 and 64bit versions use the same installation file, yes?
So if it's not related to one of those 2 differences I'm stumped. I don't
understand why just running the installation program with the --buildpkg
switch causes error in your system and not in mine.

Yes, Jonathan, as I hinted at in the previous post (see external link) the problem was that the ATI package has not been properly updated yet to reflect the changes that took place in the way Debian organises the GL libraries (they used to be in /usr/X11R6/lib*). It is possible to work around this by uncompressing the ATI package and creating an appropriate symlink. This happens only when building for amd64.

In the meantime, I have found out that nexuiz runs fine if I run it with the -safe switch; it runs windowed and I think some effects are disabled. Probably ATI broke some of the GLX extensions in the 8.40 --> 8.42 upgrade.

Thank you very much for your help anyway! I have posted a bug on the ATI bugzilla and if something pops up, I will post here again.


A tautology is a thing which is tautological.
Time flies like an arrow.  Fruit flies like a banana.

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