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Re: Programmers Text Editor

On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 06:23:18PM -0500, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 03:10:50PM -0800, David Brodbeck wrote:
> > I think it comes down to personal taste.  I just can't get the hang  
> > of vi.  I use it when I have to, but after years of using it off and  
> > on I still do things like accidentally insert 127 copies of the  
> > letter 'a' into my file.  Using vi requires you to keep track of the  
> > editor's state in your head -- you have to remember whether it's in  
> > input mode or command mode.  I've never been able to do that reliably.
> My vim (not vi) tells me at the bottom of the screen.  Right now it
> says:
> -- INSERT --                                                 13,66   All
> What about nano?  mcedit?

I'm that rare bird that uses *both* with an abysmal lack of efficiency
in both. I use vim for editing conf files and general hacking around
the system. I use emacs when I'm actually coding (usually scheme or C)
and find myself able to switch easily between them. I know though that
I am missing large parts of the functionality of both programs. 

In a fit of perversion some while back I changed the default editor
for mutt to emacs with a custom config file... mwuhahahahaha!!!

and more and more I just use cat > some_file for one off
stuff. followed by sed -i -e 's/typo/correction/'. now that's
absurdity for ya!


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