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Re: Syncable finance app?

Dave Thayer wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 04, 2007 at 02:15:56AM -0500, John Miller wrote:
>> There are plenty of personal finance applications out there for Linux 
>> (GNUCash, gAcc, etc.), but with all of them, you must make entries on your 
>> PC.  When I eat out at a restaurant, I'd like to be able to enter the 
>> amount of the bill, plus a little note, in my Palm IIIxe (yes, I know--it's 
>> dated), which will then automatically update my check register.  I'd also 
>> like to be able to sync this information to my Linux desktop, 
>> adding/editing transactions as necessary.
> You might have a look at Freecoins <http://freecoins.sourceforge.net>.
> It has a export module to create CSV and QIF. I have tried it but not
> used it very much because I'm not really organized enough to use such
> a program.
> dt
Thanks Dave.  Downloaded and installed it yesterday.  Just now digging
into it, but the documentation is excellent--a bit plus over pcash.

Thanks again to everyone who responded.  I'll let you know how it turns out.


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