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gnome launch problem

No menu bar, no tool bar.

I have been using icewm with no problems but decided to check out gnome. If I log out, change the session to gnome and log in I get a blue screen with the Debian swirl, icons for the disk drives and my home directory and a short hum from the speakers but no menu bar and no tool bar. I found tool bar and menu bar settings of 0,4,0,0 and 0,0,0,0 in .gnome/gmenu and tried changing these to values like 0,80,0,4 or 0,4,0,80 with no effect even when I used /etc/init.d/gdm restart, then change session to gnome and logged in.

This is not the end of the world as all the apps I use run fine with icewm but maybe there would be more I would like if I could start gnome.


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