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Broadcom NetExtreme BCM5722KFB1G and Debian Etch AMD64

I have a Dell server with 2 network controllers with a Broadcom 
BCM5722KFB1G - chip (1 x onboard, 1 x PCI-E).
Unfortunately Debian Etch AMD64 does not recognize them.

Somebody did post a workaround on this website:


With this workaround these NICs should work with the original drivers that
shipped with Debian Etch. But unfortunately I can't find the specified 
The lines with the + at their beginning should be added to the original 
Is there anybody who has a hint for me?

As an alternative the Linux-tg3 driver could get compilied by myself:
Dell offers the source code for the driver in their download area (v tg3-

The according driver source code on the Broadcom website is even a little 
bit newer (v tg3-3.85l):

But unfortunately something seems to be wrong with the MAKEFILE . 
make does not work:

server-deb: tmp/tg3-381C# make
make -C SUBDIRS= tmp/tg3-381C modules
make *** SUBDIRS= tmp/tg3-381C: File or folder not found.
make: ***[default] Error 2

Any suggestions? Any tips for compiling the driver? 

Thanks in advance!


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