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Re: Firefox in 32-bit chroot

On Mon, Jun 02, 2008 at 12:53:30PM -0400, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:

> There's probably a very elegant way, but the simplest way is to create
> a new user, put that new user in a group that is set to allow use of
> schroot (in mine, games, but you could create something like
> "chrooters").  Sure their home directory will be bind mounted but if
> you have permissions set right that user (or any malware running as
> that user) won't be able to access other user's home directory.

Thank you. If I can't find a better way, I'll use your suggestion.

In the meantime, I don't like doing things just because they work. I
really want to understand what's missing from the current invocation or
environment so that I understand what's going wrong. Knowing why is
almost as important as knowing how to work around it. :)

"Oh, look: rocks!"
	-- Doctor Who, "Destiny of the Daleks"

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