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Re: RAID for large disks

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On 06/07/08 16:05, Mag Gam wrote:
> Thanks for the responses all.
> I want RAID 5 but without mirroring. The data is important but not that
> important.

Ummm, there is NO mirroring in RAID 5.  Never has been.

> I am planning to use LVM.
> If the controller creates a stripe size of 16k, do I need to do anything
> special with physical extends (in pvcreate or vgcreate) ?

No.  LVM is at a completely separate (and "higher) level than the
h/w RAID controller.

> Do I need to do anything specific when creating a LV? I plan on striping
> my LV to create extra spindles. Do I need to create my ext3 filesystem
> with any particular settings?

No.  ext3 is at a higher level than LVM.

>                                I am looking for a optimal tuning guide
> with emphasis on performace versus redudancy.

Read speed or write speed?

The tenor of your questions and comments indicates that you *really*
need to learn more about the different types of RAID.

If you want:
- - best R/W speed and no redundancy, use RAID 0 (striping),
- - best R/W speed, full redundancy, use RAID 10 or RAID 0+1.
- - worst W speed, great R speed and low "RAID overhead", use RAID 5.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

"Kittens give Morbo gas.  In lighter news, the city of New New
York is doomed."
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