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Re: ssh connection takes long time

Richard A Nelson wrote:
On Fri, 13 Mar 2009, randall wrote:

IMO the solution is not to tweak those subsystems and applications,
but to get a valid rDNS record added to the DNS.

Indeed, always best to have fully functional DNS, and no - for Linux
at least, /etc/hosts is not functional DNS.
depends on the usage, it functions very well on my LAN where all the users can type "fax" in the firefox address bar to reach the fax server.

agreed in principle, but since ssh is the only one (in my experience) that i ever encountered this inconvenience with, i wonder if the correct thing to do holds up in everyday usage.

From `man sshd_config`:

UseDNS Specifies whether sshd(8) should look up the remote host name and check that the resolved host name for the remote IP address maps
             back to the very same IP address.  The default is “yes”.

And there are indeed other servers that are unhappy with poor DNS
ftp comes to mind, its always the first thing i turn off when i install it for anything other then personal usage.

The only use to correct "reverse" DNS i can see is in case of a mail server, if you want to filter dynamic and static IP's (but even this is theoretical since it is hardly used in practice) other then that i regard it as a feature that brings more problems then it solves.


Just another collection of nuts

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