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why do package "configure"s during install take forever?

  (PLEASE cc me on any responses as i am not subscribed to this list.)

  i have all 5 lenny amd64 DVDs, and i'm installing on a gateway
MX7120 (64-bit AMD) laptop.  i could have sworn that the first couple
test installs went fine (basic install, LVM, accept multiple
filesystems).  all this was done while *not* on a network.

  i tested what i thought was an identical (graphical) install this
morning and, when the progress bar got to configuring a package, the
package configure step seemed to take *forever*, to the extent that i
finally moved the USB mouse just to see if the system was hung.
moving the mouse suddenly caused a flurry of configuring packages and,
as soon as i stopped moving the mouse, we were back to cripplingly

  move the mouse again, flurry of configuring.  completely
reproducible.  finally, just to get the install to complete, i sat
there and just kept moving the mouse back and forth.  every time i
stopped, the system ground to a halt.  what's up with that?  i've
never seen anything like it.  is mouse activity perhaps generating
randomness that's required by the install?

  oh, and yesterday, i fed all 5 DVDs in early to let the install
process, what, read them?  today, since i was quite sure i didn't need
anything off of any DVD but the first, i didn't insert any of the
others.  could that be the problem?  what is the purpose of inserting
all of the DVDs early in the install?  what info is being read off of
them that would affect the install if everything i need is apparently
contained on DVD 1?  thanks.


p.s.  the current (graphical) test install is not into the
"Configuring" phase of the install, and the configure steps are
zipping right along.  and i *did* run thru all 5 DVDs earlier.  is
that the solution?  why?


Robert P. J. Day Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

        Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:                                          http://crashcourse.ca
Linked In:                             http://www.linkedin.com/in/rpjday
Twitter:                                       http://twitter.com/rpjday

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