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Re: about a feature which I found in Gnome

> I like the way I can plug a USB device into a USB socket and have it
> mounted automatically within a few seconds. I expecially like the
> way a device that has a label given to it is mounted on a
> mount-point that is named with that label, and when I un-mount the
> device that mount point is removed from /media - all automatically.

> What are the packages that actually implement this feature? Can I
> simply install those packages and have the feature without having
> the rest of Gnome? Does it come automatically if I attempt to
> transition to Xfce, for example? I'm pretty sure the feature also
> comes with KDE, but that, I think, is unlikely to be free of
> un-desired features.

Alternatively install the usbmount package. It mounts/unmounts USB
storage on insertion/removal. Otherwise it keep out of your
face. usbmount has no GUI dependencies. It works a treat.

Just remember to "sync" before unplugging (of course that's important
for all automatic mount methods).


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