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Re: Why is Evolution and Epiphany now a part of gnome-core?

On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 13:08:36 -0800, Mike Bird wrote:

>> > I'm running Debian Squeeze, and I have only gnome-core installed so
>> > that I would not have Evolution or Epiphany installed since I do not
>> > use them.

Me too. 

>> Basically because gnome-desktop-environment is too big to fit on CD 1.
>> See bug #608098 for more information, especially
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=608098#31.

That seems to me an absurd reason. 

So only 3 of us in the entire Debian world think this way? Re-quoting OP 
of bug 608098:

| The massive migration of dependencies from
| gnome-desktop-environment to gnome-core is extremely undesirable,
| because it spoils the usefulness that gnome-core used to have in
| pulling just enough packages to have a basic GNOME
| environment. Now, instead, it pulls WAY too many packages and
| leaves the user without any simple method for installing basic
| GNOME components.

I still think it make perfect sense, and a legitimated request. 

> Creating a new package to depend upon evolution and ephiphany and
> gnome-core would be a less harmful solution.

Yeah, but look at what the maintainer said:

| The gnome-core package is not here to fulfill the needs of a given
| user. 
| If you need a specific set of packages, please make your metapackages
| yourself.

well... what I can do, huh? 
Nobody care about this?

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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