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Re: help setting up an e-mail server for a newbie

On Mon, 28 Feb 2011 19:58:01 -0600, mike cutie and maia wrote:

> I am new when it comes to setting up mail servers I got my bind9 to work
> but I need some instructions to set up a mail server with pop3 and also
> to make sure that people using Microsoft can fatch and retrieve mail
> from the server any ideas?

There are tons of possibilities :-)

You can start by deciding the involved applications and the layout/scheme 
for your new e-mail system. 

Applications (in no concrete order):

- SMTP server: postfix, exim, qmail, sendmail...

- POP3/IMAP server: cyrus, dovecot, courier-imap...

- Anti-malware/anti-spam (optional but highly recommended): spamassassin, 
clamav, amavisd-new...

- Webmail (optional): squirrelmail, horde, roundcube...

Do not care for windows users. As long as they use (almost)standard e-
mail based clients (like windows mail, outlook 2010, thunderbird, etc...) 
there should be not problem at all.



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