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Re: Storage server

On 9/8/2012 2:53 PM, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

> I would love to learn more about those really big XFS installations and 
> how there were made. I never dealt with more than about 4 TiB big XFS 
> setups.

About the only information that's still available is at the link below,
and it lacks configuration details.  I read those long ago when this
system was fresh.  The detailed configuration info has since disappeared.


NAS cannibalized the Columbia super quite some time ago and recycled
some nodes into these archive systems (and other systems) after they
installed the big Pleiades cluster and the users flocked to it.  A bit
of a shame as Columbia had 60TF capability, and for shared memory
applications to boot.  No system on earth had that capability until SGI
released the Altix UV, albeit with half the sockets/node of the IA64
Altix machines.

The coolest part about both 512P IA64 and 256P x86-64 Altix?  Debian
will install and run with little to no modifications required, just as
shrink wrapped SLES and RHEL run out of the box, thanks to the Linux
Scalability Effort in the early 2000s.


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