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Sharing mail data

I am running several Linux distributions on my machine - Debian sid on one, Ubuntu on another and two versions of Fedora on a 3rd and 4th partition.

  Is there a way to reliably share the mail data in Thunderbird ?
When I point the <hidden> .thunderbird directory on another partition
via a symlink to the one on the Debian Sid partition, the mail directories get re-written when T'bird closes to reflect the fact the Debian parition is mounted as /media/sda2. If I tell Thunderbird on another partition to load its profile from the Debian partition it still seems to read and write mail from the .thunderbird directory on the partition it was run fromt.

I am looking for a way to tell T'bird to only deal with the .thunderbird directory on Debian sid, no matter which partition it is run from.

Googling the problem only seems to turn up help to share data between Linux and Windows..not between Linux and Linux.


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