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Re: limits.conf

Hello Guido,

Excerpt from Guido Martínez:

> I can confirm this. I wasn't sure if it was expected behaviour so I
> did a quick google search and came to this
> http://www.chrissearle.org/blog/technical/increasing_max_number_open_files_glassfish_user_debian.
> If you want 'su' to set the user limits you need to modify
> /etc/pam.d/su and uncomment the line "# session required
> pam_limits.so". I tried it and it works.

Thank you! That gives expected results. Additionally i added the same to

> Given that this option exists, it's most likely not a bug.

IMO well at least that fact that this line is commented and that 'su' is the
only file in /etc/pam.d/ that does so is arguable.

-- <snip> --


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