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Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. enable internet access)?

From: Richard Hector <richard@walnut.gen.nz>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Saturday, June 7, 2014 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: Post-installation: how to auto-configure network adapter (ie. enable internet access)?

> The answer, though, is not strictly what you asked for: it also removes the kernel image metapackages, so your kernel will not get > new kernels when you do an apt-get upgrade.

No offence, Richard but you're wrong this time.

I suggest you try that command on a test machine before giving your answer as stated above. I have tried it at least 7 times in the past two weeks (and why? because I'm learning how to use Debian. When I get meet a roadblock and no immediate help is at hand, even after googling for answers, I reformat my machine and start anew.)

> Also, I'd recommend keeping the last good kernel as well.

Thanks for the recommendation, but if and when I meet obstacles and can't solve them, I just have to reformat my machine and start afresh.

> It is much more useful if you're able to evaluate it and figure out what it really does before you go ahead.

In case you didn't already know, I've little knowledge of Debian. By the time I finish reading and understand the concepts of bash scripting, it may be two years from now.

What do you recommend that I do during these two years?

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