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Re: How To Prove Systemd Can|Cannot Be Jessie Default

On 22 October 2014 21:50, David L. Craig <dlc.usa@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is only one way the default init for Jessie can
> be changed at this point in time--the Release Team
> must conclude systemd will have turned out to be a
> release critical nightmare likely well into the feature
> freeze.  There is only one way for that to happen--lots
> of open RC bugs having systemd at their core must start
> piling up as the upstream developers are having problems
> solving the problems.
> So everyone should be trying their best to find the bugs
> to prove systemd is as good|bad as they claim it is.
> Nobody that cares about Debian wants Jessie to be
> released with undiscovered serious flaws.  Let's use our
> keyboards to launch test cases in preference to soapbox
> rhetoric that likely proves nothing.
> Let's let the code speak for itself for a while.


After a week of tests, I realized that `systemd-journal` is not ready
for prime time.

A lot of times, it consumes 100% of CPU, making the system almost unusable.

Debian Jessie should not activate `systemd-journal` by default (for
logging), even when with systemd = PID1.


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