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Re: firefox-37, where to put

On Fri, Apr 03, 2015 at 05:39:32PM -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Usually less than 4 megabytes of free space left at the end of the disk 
> with a used 4k per sector disk on the cable, but could be zero for a 512 
> byte per sector used disk since there is not normally an alignment 
> problem with the old 512 byte per sector formatting.  I have 1Tb disks 
> that look alike at first glance.  The 512 byte per sector pair is 
> heavier and a wee bit thicker because it likely has two platters in it, 
> while the 4k version pair is a bit lighter and thinner, I presume 
> because there is only one platter in those two disks.
> The commodity drives I have coming will be, at 2Tb, 4096 bytes per 
> sector, and linux must align its writes with a Read-Modify-Write cycle 
> updating the whole 4k just to change one byte if things don't start on a 
> sector boundary.  There's a pretty good speed penalty for doing that. A 
> disk that can write at 120+ megs a second when aligned can be turned 
> into a 20 megs a second slowpoke. if miss-aligned.

Ahh!, weren't you mentioning performance problems?

There was a recent discussion on the netbsd-users list about 4k disks.

In particular this:

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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