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Re: VLAN config on Jessie

On 03/08/15 14:44, Bonno Bloksma wrote:
I have a similar setup but.... the untagged network is the management network for the APs. All traffic on the WiFi network is done in VLANS. That is how I have it setup.
So in that case you should have 3 definitions on eth1 (assuming traffic for the clients is using VLAN 10 and 11)
auto eth1 eth1.10 eth1.11
iface eth1 inet static
   address .....
iface eth1.10 inet static
   address .....
iface eth1.11 inet static
   address .....

This should also prevent any miscommunication when clients are part of the management network.
The "management network" does not NEED to be a separate network. In my case I combine it with another network which has restricted access.

Also be aware that I have found VLAN aware routing on a Debian machine to be slower then straight interface routing. However, my last test was on an old Lenny system so that might have been improved.

Bonno Bloksma

So eth1 needs its own IP separate from eth1.1 and eth1.2? Can this be on the same subnet as eth1.1 or not? eth1 (as opposed to eth1.1 and 1.2) isnt really 'used' so to speak so it would just be a dummy IP.

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