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removing corrupt lost+found dir

Hello all,

I've recently upgraded from wheezy to jessie; worth saying but not sure it's related to my issue.

I have a directory in lost+found that is giving me a headache. every night my file system goes read-only.

I reboot, do an fsck and go through the same process of scanning and fixing inodes and every time it finds the same corrupt directory. That finishes I can boot normally and use the system.

I can find the same directory related to these indoes in lost+found:

d????????? ? ?          ?                 ?            ? #116785161

I've tried removing it but any action I take on it (and others in lost+found) puts me right back to having a read-only filesystem with the message:

[79899.536484] EXT4-fs error (device md0): ext4_ext_check_inode:479: inode #116785161: comm updatedb.mlocat: pblk 0 bad header/extent: invalid extent entries - magic f30a, entries 3, max 4(4), depth 0(0)
[79899.608903] Aborting journal on device md0-8.
[79899.611332] EXT4-fs error (device md0): ext4_journal_check_start:56: Detected aborted journal
[79899.611373] EXT4-fs (md0): Remounting filesystem read-only
[79899.633150] EXT4-fs (md0): Remounting filesystem read-only

So I reboot and go through fsck again and wait for it to happen again...

I've searched a good deal and am unable to find anyone that's had this same issue.

my filesystem is a RAID5 using mdadm with /dev/md0 mounted on / . I've done fsck on /dev/sd[a-f]1 and those all come back clean.

how can I remove this (and other) corrupted files/dirs in lost+found?

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