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Re: Login failure after new install

Quoting Cobra (mach1@xmission.com):
> I realize my interaction with the list is problematic. I am new to this, I don’t
> subscribe to the list itself, and I am interacting via the web page
>    lists.debian.org/debian-user/2015/08/threads.html
> On that page there are only three choices I can see for replying, none of which
> have the desired effect of adding the reply to the message thread as I would wish.

That's odd because the links themselves have the necessary
information, viz (for my previous posting):

"mailto:deblis@lionunicorn.co.uk?In-Reply-To=%3C20150809164643.GA10191@alum%3E&Subject=Re:%20Re:%20Login%20failure%20after%20new%20install&CC=debian-user@lists.debian.org";>David Wright (on-list)
"mailto:deblis@lionunicorn.co.uk?In-Reply-To=%3C20150809164643.GA10191@alum%3E&Subject=Re:%20Re:%20Login%20failure%20after%20new%20install";>David Wright (off-list)

> MATE worked just fine: no bizarre behavior with the DM, login works just fine, and the
> GUI works as expected. I liked the MATE desktop better then GNOME 3 so I re-installed
> the system on the original machine using MATE and all is well. So, from my point of
> view the original issue is moot.

Happy to hear that.


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