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Re: pptp-based vpn

Quoting Lisi Reisz (lisi.reisz@gmail.com):
> On Sunday 09 August 2015 02:48:57 David Wright wrote:
> > Quoting Lisi Reisz (lisi.reisz@gmail.com):
> > > I think I may have misunderstood.  Do you have no licence, because you
> > > have no TV, or not pay a Licence because you are given one?
> >
> > Hint: look at my timezone (when you're awake).
> D'oh!
> > > As if I shan't have
> > > enough to do if my husband predeceases me, I shall have to acquire a
> > > paid-for TV Licence rapidly, if I am not to have their bulldogs after me.
> > >  Or I suppose that I could just get rid of the TV!!  Fast.  And watch
> > > iPlayer after the event.  Though not everything is available that way.
> >
> > TV Licensing is at http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/ and takes five
> > minutes. However, the licence is per household so you're covered
> > until the expiry date anyway. And you only need the name and address
> > to check if you're covered and for how long. In theory, you can bin
> > the actual licence (if they still produce them).
> I shall have to check.  But I think that you are only entitled to a free 
> licence, however long the piece of paper says, while the free licence holder 
> is alive.  Although while (s)he is alive, it does as you say cover the entire 
> household.

D'oh! (My turn). I hadn't picked up on the significance of "paid-for"
and just assumed that one of you paid the bills and "all that sort of
thing". For the longest time, both our cars were always registered in
my wife's name because I never got round to changing it each time we
acquired a new one and I took over the older one.

> It was bound to have gone on line.  But I haven't had to pay for one for 7 
> years so didn't know that.  But I'll still have enough to worry about without 
> flipping TV licences!

AFAICT you could put the TV licence in the name of your pet rabbit; so
long as the address has one, they will not disturb you. Were you to
get rid of your TV (and let your licence expire), they would plague
you with letters until you made a declaration. (Even then they might not


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